Paul Strudel

Paul Strudel or Strudl (* 1648 in Cles ( Trento ), † November 20, 1708 in Vienna ) was an Austrian sculptor.


Strudel came in 1686 to the court of Vienna and got there an appointment as court painter. For the most part, he worked with his brother Peter Strudel. His work highlighted in Austria the transition to the High Baroque; but was arrested the style of Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

In addition to numerous Hofaufträgen of his sculptural work, especially the Plague is remarkable, which was created under his leadership in the years 1686-1693.

The Prince of Liechtenstein commissioned strudel with some monumental statues for their Moravian chateaux Feldberg and Lednice. Since the beginning of the 18th century changed the taste in art, it was the court architect Giovanni Pietro Tencalla not possible, Paul Strudel (or his brother Peter Strudel ) introduce as his successor. The German architect Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt from Genoa was preferred to the vortex - brothers.

At the age of about 60 years, Paul Strudel died on November 20, 1708 in Vienna.

Works (selection)
