Pavel Derevyanko

Pawel Jurjewitsch Derewjanko (Russian Павел Юрьевич Деревянко, scientific transliteration Pavel Ûr'evič Derevânko; born July 2, 1976 in Taganrog, Soviet Union ) is a Russian actor.


Pawel Derewjanko visited from 1996-2000, the Gitis in Moscow. Immediately after graduation, he played the lead role in the film by Alexander Kott It drove two times truck drivers (Russian Ехали два шофера ), which made him known. He also works a lot on Russian television and plays in other films. Since 2009 he is part of the troupe of the Mossoviet Theatre.

Filmography (selection)


  • 2001: It took two times truck drivers ( Ехали два шофера )
  • 2007: skipjack ( Неваляшка )
  • 2008: Gitler kaput, too: Hitler breaks (title on Blu- ray Disc) ( Гитлер капут! )
  • 2010: Utomljonnyje solnzem 2 ( Утомлённые солнцем -2)
  • 2010: Brest krepost ( Брестская крепость )

TV series

  • 2006: Nine Lives of Nestor Makhno ( Девять жизней Нестора Махно )
  • 2008: The Brothers Karamazov ( Братья Карамазовы )

