Pelosia obtusa

Reed - lichen Little Bear ( Pelosia obtusa )

The reed - weaving bears ( Pelosia obtusa ), also bears reeds or Brown Yellow lichen called Spinner, is a butterfly (moth ) from the cutworm subfamily of tiger moths ( Arctiinae ).

  • 5.1 Notes and references
  • 5.2 Literature



The moths have a wingspan of 12-28 mm in males and 16-28 mm in females. Their forewings are relatively short and wide. The apex is bluntly rounded. They have a brownish color, of which some dark brown dots or very short lines stand out, which is also absent in some specimens. The visually marked hind wings have the same color as the front wings are, however, somewhat lightened.


Adults caterpillars are brown colored black. On the button warts sit dark tufts of hair.

Similar Species

A certain similarity to the alder bog lichens Little Bear ( Pelosia muscerda ), however, this is stained predominantly gray and has elongated forewings. The points on the front wings of black color.

Geographical distribution and occurrence

The range of the species extends from central Europe through Asia to the Pacific. They settled prefers moist reed meadows.

Way of life

The nocturnal moths form one generation per year, which is prevalent in the months of April to August. You like to visit artificial light sources. The caterpillars occur in late summer and usually hide in reed stalks. As food plants mosses, algae and lichens, but what still requires confirmation shall apply. When breeding they also took lettuce as food. The caterpillars overwinter.


The reed - weaving bears comes in most German federal states, regional basis, however, is threatened with extinction and is ( "endangered" ) in Germany on the Red List in Category 3 performed.

