Penalty box

The penalty is a term used in sports.

In Hockey is meant by the bank on which a player has to set when he gets on the field in the game by the referee, a penalty, typically a two-minute penalty, due to an irregular behavior.

The penalty is usually towards the bench, so that the coach can give the penalized player no confusion - in older stages they can also be located between the benches. The penalty box is divided into two parts: one half is "reserved" for the players of the home, the other half for the players score team, the assignment - as with the bench - done before and not altered during the game is. In earlier stages of the penalty box can still consist of a single wooden bench while she is in most stadiums today from two separate banks. There is normally the game court with the timing and the announcer between the two separate banks.

In the pursuit of this term describes a position that must occupy one of the two fighters in rule violation on the instructions of the referee. Here, the fighter is on his knees, torso horizontal and the arms are based in the mat the upper body. The opponent is kneeling behind the back of the fighter in the penalty box and must hang up both hands on his back. When whistle of the referee, he may benefit this situation to use a flash which had in the penalty box at the hip or the fuselage of the fighter to take through and to schedule a technique.

  • Hockey technical term
  • Wrestling