Penalty card#Yellow card

With the Yellow Card ( also yellow card) (football, handball, volleyball, for example ) appear in some sports by the referee, a warning due to violations of the rules of the game or unsportsmanlike conduct. Serious offenses dismissal is not booked, but directly with a red card penalty.


When rule violations in football that do not justify a red card, but would have to be punished for the second time with a yellow card, a red card with the yellow card is issued.

After a yellow (or red or yellow - red ) card may not be continued until the game when the referee has released it with a whistle. If the ball is played too early, this has - with an exact interpretation of the rules - also a yellow card for the episode.

Several yellow cards can lead to a yellow card suspension.

In colloquial language is the phrase " show someone a yellow card " for a mostly informal warning.

In handball a yellow card means only a warning. Instead of a second yellow card a two-minute penalty is assessed. There, the arbitrator may also be the only three yellow cards per team. After that, only time penalties would be possible for such offenses.

In many sports a yellow card means not only an exhortation and a time penalty for the player concerned. In hockey it can be between two and 15 minutes. In rugby union and rugby league a player for ten minutes to leave the space (it has to go in the Sin Bin), if it is shown the yellow card. In volleyball a yellow card means a loss of rally, that is, point to the opposing team and possibly changing the surcharge law.


With the Football World Cup 1966, it came with the game between Argentina and England to turbulent scenes in the game that were due to the fact that an Argentine players did not understand or understand whether expressed orally by the German referee Rudolf Kreitlein dismissal was and still almost remaining nine minutes on the court. In the following riots even cautions against English players were not perceived by them. The spectators could not do this with.

To avoid such misunderstandings, beat the English referee Ken Aston ago, similar to the internationally known traffic light installations ( lights ) Yellow and red cards to use. This idea came to him while driving. He had to stop in front of several traffic lights that changed from "yellow" to "red ". With the Football World Cup 1970 this scheme was used for the first time and sat through quickly. Kurt Tschenscher led the opening game of the 1970 World Cup in Mexico and moved as the first referee ever a yellow card.

Since 1991 there is in football also received a second yellow card, which indicates a sending off, which would not have been uttered without previous warning and thus the measure of a "smooth" red card (English: "straight red" ) defines visible. You will - also known as "traffic map " and is also considered a dismissal, but pulls in contrast to solid without prior warning red card generally only one lock on the immediately following play of the same competition by - among revisiting the idea Ken Aston. The sanctions, which draws a yellow card after themselves are set out in the lower leagues (district leagues to national leagues ), depending on the state association in Germany different.

The color scheme of the two cards is also attributed to the demands of television broadcasts. Since then, many televisions only represented black and white pictures, maps with marked contrast had to be chosen.

Time penalty

The yellow card is not in any sport a warning. In hockey and rugby yellow card is used as an indication of a time penalty. In field hockey players must be 5 to 15 minutes, leave the field in indoor hockey 2 to 10 minutes. In rugby the player has after receiving a yellow card for 10 minutes in the penalty box (which is also called " sin bin" is called ). In both sports, the penalized team will play with one player less.
