Periodical literature

Under periodical (Pl. periodicals), also called continuous compilation is called in librarianship unlike Monographs a periodical (usually ) printing unit. It is the technical term for two publication series, gazettes, journals, magazines, periodicals and newspapers.


Features of the periodical is its periodicity.

The periodicity of newspapers and magazines referred to the regular appearance of a publication. So must appear at least five times (in most cases six times ) in the week, a Sunday newspaper every Sunday and a magazine at least four times a year a daily newspaper. The four criteria of a newspaper, in addition to the periodicity, timeliness, universality and publicity. The publicity both in the magazines and in the newspapers, in contrast to the universality and timeliness, relevance. Editors must therefore adapt to a show at regular intervals.

The periodicity of a journal can be, among others, weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, semi -annually or annually; other periods, which are the same within a month, quarter or year, are possible and common. The periodicity is described in the publication history of a magazine. The sum of the outputs of a particular magazine that appeared within one year is called a vintage. Counting begins here today usually at the beginning of January. But you can also start depending on historical or economic circumstances, for example, from the beginning of the appearance or financial year, for example, in October. This may be the case in the publication of magazines in the 19th century.

The year cycle count can result from, among other policy considerations, such as the German Medical Journal. For day-definite calculations of the publication date the change from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar end of the 17th may to the beginning of the 18th century, important in certain regions.


Examples of periodicals are:

  • Monatshefte
  • Quarter fonts
  • Series ( periodical )
  • Journals, magazines - at least four times a year
  • Newspapers - appear five times, mostly even six times a week
  • Weekly newspapers - published weekly
  • Sunday newspapers - appear every Sunday
  • Bulletins, newsletters, etc.
  • Yearbooks and almanacs
  • School programs / annual reports