Peripheral blood mononuclear cell

When PBMC (acronym for engl. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell mononuclear cells of peripheral blood ') are mononuclear cells of the blood called that have a round nucleus. These are, for example, lymphocytes and monocytes. These cells play an important role in the immune system in fighting infections.

PBMC are often used in the diagnosis as an indicator of present infection as a prognostic factor of progression of HIV infection and in clinical research. In HIV research is often worked with PBMC, as they ( the cells which are infected by the HIV virus ), include the CD4 cells.

PBMC are purified by centrifugation through a hydrophilic colloid, consisting of either sucrose -epichlorohydrin copolymers ( Ficoll Histopaque ) of silica gel ( Percoll Sepracell ), of cross-linked dextrans ( Macrodex ) or gelatin ( Plasmagel ).
