
Perithemis tenera

Perithemis is a string of thirteen kinds of dragonflies genus of the subfamily Palpopleurinae and was first described in 1861 by Hermann August Hagen. As Generotyp served a previously designated as Libellula tenera dragonfly. The distribution area extends from southeastern Canada to Central Argentina.


Perithemis species are extremely small dragonflies and reach lengths of 17 to 29 millimeters. The yellowish, brownish or orange abdomen ( tummy) has a plurality of dark keels and trenches. The Pterothorax, the part of the chest (thorax ), on which the wings start is greenish or has two dark stripes. The wings of the males are orange or red. Those of the female are transparent or have different brown or orange ribbons.


Perithemis - imagines come to ponds and marshes sometimes but also along rivers. In the sunshine, the males fly low over the water. To hunt the animals rely on small branches near the water. The larvae usually live on submerged vegetation.


The systematics of the species is not fully understood by far and is about many types still unclear whether they are really distinct species. The following species are counted to the genus Perithemis:

  • Perithemis bella
  • Perithemis Capixaba
  • Perithemis cornelia
  • Perithemis domitia
  • Perithemis electra
  • Perithemis icteroptera
  • Perithemis intensa
  • Perithemis relay
  • Perithemis Mooma
  • Perithemis parzefalli
  • Perithemis rubita
  • Perithemis tenera
  • Perithemis thais