
A Council theologian or in church parlance Peritus (from Latin ' wise, knowledgeable, experienced, plural: Periti ) is a Roman Catholic theologian who is a consultant at an Ecumenical Councils. Not under the concept of Council theologians fall, the Council Fathers, mostly bishops or religious superiors, which are indeed formed theologically, but unlike the theologians vote authorizing a council participants are. At the same time it was at the Council theologians in almost all cases by priests.

Second Vatican Ecumenical Council

The Periti, so the theologians who participated in the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), is to distinguish between the members appointed by Pope Perti and theological consultants of the Council Fathers. The Periti, so the "official conciliar theologians " had a seat, but no vote in the General Congregations of the Council. The theological advisor of individual bishops had in the Generalkongreation neither seat nor voice. Where they could take by their bishops and the cooperation and advice in commissions influence but. The integration of the theologians was expressed for strengthening the " role of theology " At the beginning of the council there were about 315 Periti, who were appointed by the Pope. In the fourth session, the number of theologians rose the abbildeten a very wide theological spectrum to about 450.

Some Episcopal theologians were later adopted as Periti of the total council, such as Joseph Ratzinger, the Peritus Archbishop of Cologne Josef Cardinal Frings was in the first session, from the second session then an appointee by the pope theologian. In addition to official committees and meetings of the Council, there were theological meetings, in which the Council Fathers and theologians discussed together. Many bishops of the theological epoch change first became aware of it. Some bishops called this exchange as a valuable Nachhilfeunterichert in theological questions.

As representatives of the scientific theology German language, this included the Jesuit and dogmatist Karl Rahner, who was working for the Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Franz König and later. Peritus as the council as well as the moral theologian Bernard Häring The Redemptorist was called by Pope John XXIII. appointed to the Preparatory Commission " for faith and morals " and as Peritus the council. From the first session until the end of the Council, he worked in this capacity and was involved primarily in the production of Gaudium et Spes.

Even theologians who have made outstanding contribution to the reception of the Council, are often referred to as the Council theologians. As an example, the dogmatist Herbert Vorgrimler is mentioned, as the texts of the Council, together with Karl Rahner commented published.

First Vatican Council

On the First Vatican Council (1869-1870) hardly Council theologians were represented. The theological discussions were held in commissions that were occupied by the Council Fathers. The responsible for the preparation of the Council commissions, however, were also occupied by theologians. The conciliar text Dei Filius, which declared the primacy of jurisdiction, and papal infallibility goes, largely due to the German Jesuit Joseph Kleutgen. The converted to the Catholic faith from Anglicanism theologian John Henry Newman declined to participate as a consulting theologian at the Council.

Council of Trent

At the Council of Trent (1545-1547) participated in about 50-100 theologians, who were appointed by the Pope, of bishops or secular rulers. They advised the Council Fathers in theological questions. In addition to the Generalkongreation who were the fathers reserved and in which took place the votes, there was the theological discussions and debates that were held by the theologians. The church historian Klaus Schatz SJ judges " In fact, they contribute significantly to the theological clarification of the issues and drafting the text. "

Second Council of Lyon

The preparation of the Second Council of Lyons ( 1274) was the Franciscan theologian Bonaventure transfer, which was shortly before appointed bishop. The Council was conceived as a union council with the Eastern Church. Also orthodox theologians were present, but they were hard to word. In " controversial questions here reflected only the one-sided point of view of Western theology." The Union's efforts were the more political nature, since the theological discussion did not take place at eye level, the usefulness of the documents for the Union was low to non-existent. The Dominican theologian Thomas Aquinas died during the journey to the Council.
