Perrier's sifaka

Perrier 's sifaka ( Propithecus perrieri )

The Perrier 's sifaka ( Propithecus perrieri ) is a primate of the family of Indriartigen within the lemurs. Until recently, he was regarded as a subspecies of Diademsifakas.


Perrier - Sifakas reach a body length 43-47 cm, a tail length of 42-46 centimeters and a weight of 3.7 to 5 kilograms, which are among the medium-sized Sifakaarten. Her thick fur is uniformly black in color, sometimes the chest and belly are light reddish brown. The face is hairless and also black, the eyes are orange, the small ears hidden partially in the fur.

Distribution and habitat

Perrier - Sifakas come like all lemurs available only in Madagascar. You have the smallest distribution area of all Sifakas and only inhabit a small area on the northern tip of their home island between the river and Irodo Lokia. Their habitat are dry forests and they are to be found up to 400 meters above sea level.

Way of life

These primates are diurnal. They usually spend their time in the trees, where they move vertically climbing and jumping, but sometimes come to the ground to cross or to drink gaps between the trees. They live in small groups of two to six animals, which are composed of one or several males, one or more females and their common offspring. You occupy fixed territories of around 30 hectares. Their diet consists of leaves, unripe fruits, buds and flowers. In June or July, the female gives birth to usually a single young is born.


Among the natural enemies of the Perrier - Sifakas counts the fossa, which is relatively common in the distribution area of this primate. The far greater threat comes but from man. By slashing and burning and deforestation their habitat is reduced, associated with the hunting. Your entire circulation area covers less than 400 km ² and the total population is estimated by the IUCN to less than 250 adult animals. Therefore, the species is considered " threatened with extinction " ( critically endangered ).
