
Under perseveration (from the Latin Perseverare ) is understood as the pathological insistence on sticking or aftereffects of psychological impressions, and the adherence to ideas or persistent repetition of movements or words in innapropriate context.

In the psychopathology perseveration is a typical symptom of formal thought disorder in various mental disorders, often accompanied by other formal thought disorder. They often occurs in Alzheimer's disease, autism, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder and for example also in the frontal lobe syndrome and epilepsy. Even in ADHD perseverations come very often: in this context, however, the term Hyperfocus is for frequently used instead, which is rather misleading and factually not quite correct according to some experts.

Also perseveration of action sequences and single movements resulting from damage to the central nervous system are observed. Here they are frequently observed in combination with apraxia of all kinds.

If strong perseveriendes, affectionate behavior occurs in dealing with other people, in the English language is often used by " social stickiness" ( "social stickiness " ) spoken (Example: Someone can not stop talking about in a conversation and comes to mind, even though the interlocutor would like to end this ).
