Pesqueira, Pernambuco

Pesqueira on the map of Pernambuco

Pesqueira is a municipality in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco, with 61 337 inhabitants (2007 ) on 1036.45 km ².

The history of the city dates back to the 17th century. End of 1659 or early 1660 was built by Father João Duarte do Sacramento a mission station of the Congregation of the Oratory for the Cariri. The city was founded in 1762 under the name Cimbres. 1918 was Pesqueira seat of a diocese.

Located in the Caatinga of northeastern Brazilian Sertão municipality is crossed by the Rio Ipanema and the Rio Ipojuca.

The municipality located in 24 villages with about 9000 people, the ethnicity of Xucuru.
