
The genus Pestivirus comprises enveloped viruses with a positivsträngigen single strand of RNA as the genome that cause infectious diseases in pigs, cattle, sheep, and possibly other artiodactyls. The genus is named after the virus that causes the classical swine fever. Pestiviruses occur in two different biotypes that are to trigger a cytopathic effect on their ability in cell cultures differed in cp ( cytopathogen ) and ncp strains ( non- cytopathogen ).

Morphology and genome

The virions of the pestiviruses have a diameter of about 40 to 60 nm and are electron microscopic representation of a spherical or irregular shape. A symmetry of the capsid has not been shown so far, most likely the core protein is present in association with genomic RNA, but in a disorderly manner in the virion before. In three of the viral envelope (E1, E2, M ) are in contrast to all other genera of the Flaviviridae family instead of two envelope proteins. On the surface of the shell ring, 10 to 12 nm-sized structures can be recognized.

Positivsträngige the RNA about 12,300 nucleotides in length and contains only one open reading frame that encodes for a polyprotein. For the genus are typically two gene products of which the one ( Npro ) an autocatalytic activity in the cleavage of the polyprotein having the second ( Erns ) is a RNase activity. At the 5 ' end of the RNA having a pestivirus IRES, and therefore, no 5'- cap structure.


  • Genus pestivirus
  • Species border disease virus ( BDV )
  • Bovine viral diarrhea virus 1 species
  • Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2 species
  • Species virus of classical swine fever ( hog cholera virus, CSFV )
  • Species Giraffe pestivirus

