Peter (curopalates)

Petros (Latin Petrus; ? † 602 in Constantinople Opel ) was a brother of Maurikios, who was 582-602 emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire and one of the most important early Byzantine rulers.

Petros was next to Priscus and Komentiolos to the three generals who operated as a military leader during the Balkan campaigns of Maurikios.

Although not Petros could reach as a commander the far more talented Priscus the water, he was 594 his successor as commander of the Roman forces into Moesia. This was the end of 593 the refusal of Priscus, with his army north of the Danube to winter and there to make war on the Slavs on. Petros was 594 with a victory at Marcianopolis prevent re- collapse of the Slavs in the Balkans and north of the Danube again cause them losses, particularly at Helibacia. 601 even before he came into the heartland of the Avars and also defeated them in several battles.

As 602 his brother again wintering ordered the soldiers north of the Danube, Petros made ​​differently than Priscus nine years ago no attempt to disobey this command. The result was a mutiny, the degenerated despite the attempts at appeasement of Petros in a revolt that led to the fall of the Maurikios.

Although Theophylaktos Simokates, as the source in the first place Priscus had available, Petros is incapable of Petros the collected experience must have been large enough to discuss in the research his authorship of Strategikon.
