Peter Dajnko

Peter Dajnko ( born April 23 1787 Črešnjevci, † February 22, 1873 in Velika Nedelja ) was a Slovene priest, author and linguist. He is regarded as the inventor of Dajnko alphabet.

Dajnko was born in the village Črešnjevci near Gornja Radgona in the Habsburg monarchy. After finishing school in Maribor, he studied until 1814 theology and philosophy at the University of Graz. In 1824 he published in his textbook on Windish language a new type system that should replace the use since the late 16th century Slovenian variant of the Latin alphabet after Adam Bohorič that bohorčica, in oststeirisch -Slovene dialect area to his dialect to a Lieteratursprache raise. His efforts were obsolete, as asserted itself propagated by Ljudevit Gaj orthography.

Peter Dajnko died in 1873 in his homeland, Lower Styria.
