
Silicification, also called silicification, the filling of the pore spaces by silicon dioxide ( SiO2) and the conversion of the rock with the supply ( metasomatism ) dissolved SiO2. In nature silicification not only rocks (silica rock), but also sometimes tissue such as wood.

For the process to take place, silicic acid must be dissolved in the gap or pore water, the mineral solutions must be able to reach the site of silicification and find there the appropriate chemical conditions.

In the surrounding area SiO2 - rich deep-sea sediments as radiolarites sediments and rocks of the seafloor silicification in a large scale. Where the pH value of the pore waters such changes generally further margin that SiO 2 is dissolved at a locations to the other and precipitated again. In this process often arises flint.

Even areas with alkalinem volcanism or thermal sources, such as the Yellowstone National Park are typical places for Verkieselungsprozesse. Silicified soils are referred to as Silcreten, they are created by desilication and subsequent precipitation of SiO2.

For waterproofing against rising dampness of the pore space is often filled with water glass, this technique is also called silicification.
