Petrobras 36

- 22.061666666667 - 39.554166666667Koordinaten: 22 ° 3 ' 42 "S, 39 ° 33' 15 " W

Petrobras 36 ( abbreviation P -36) was operated by the parastatal oil company Petrobras Brazilian drilling platform. It was in 1995 at a shipyard of Fincantieri in Genoa built a rig for Petrobras and later upgraded in Canada for oil drilling platform. In the summer of 2000, the installation in the Roncador oil field about 125 kilometers off the coast of Brazil took place. Construction costs amounted to 350 million U.S. dollars. At the time of its establishment was P- 36, the largest free-floating platform in the world. She promoted 84,000 barrels of oil and 1.3 million cubic meters of natural gas per day. The 36,000 -ton structure was 113 meters long, 96 meters wide and 40 floors with water 120 meters high.

The plan was to increase the oil flow successively: At 90,000 barrels per day in December 2001 and to 180,000 barrels per day in 2004.


In the early morning hours of March 15, 2001, a Thursday, it was unknown reasons in two explosions at the rear starboard pillars. Immediately afterwards heeled P-36 to first 16 and later 25 degrees, so that large areas of the platform came under water and this could penetrate. Of the 175 crew members at that time died eleven. There were 1,500 tonnes of oil on board, and due to the fear of an oil spill, the authorities coordinated a large emergency use. Because of its size, however, failed to make assemble the platform of ships. At the weekend, a team of engineers led 4,100 liters of nitrogen (200 liters per hour) and compressed air in the flooded tanks to displace 15 percent of the 7,000 tons of water and penetrated to generate a new impetus. However, this was not because the action due to bad weather had to be canceled. A team of specialists from the Netherlands traveled to to pump oil out of the tanks, however, came too late.

Petrobras 36 sank on the morning of March 20 to a depth of 1,300 meters. The forming large oil spill drove out to the open sea.
