Petroleum Geo-Services

Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS ) is a company from Norway, based in Oslo. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange in the OBX index. It is among the three largest marine seismic companies in the world.

Petroleum Geo - Services is active in the oil sector and provides marine geophysical services to the discovery of oil fields in the world. The main focus is on the method of marine seismic. For worldwide recording of data beneath the sea bed, the company maintains a fleet of 15 ships. The newest and at the same time with the largest streamer capacity in the world is the 2013 Asked in operation Ramform titanium. In addition to Oslo are the main locations of Petroleum Geo-Services in Houston, Texas, Walton-on -Thames, United Kingdom and Singapore, Singapore.

The company employs approximately 2,200 employees in more than 20 countries worldwide (as of 2012).

PGS is divided into the corporate sectors naval contract, multi-client, Operations and Data Processing & Technology.
