
Petrolina on the map of Pernambuco

The city of Petrolina, founded in 1893, is located in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. In 2011 lived in Petrolina 305 352 people to 4559 km ². This makes it the sixth most populous city in the state.

Petrolina is located adjacent to the north about 35 km by air from Sobradinho - made ​​lake on the Rio São Francisco. The annual rainfall is usually less than 213 mm. The area is thus one of the driest areas of the Brazilian Sertão. This extreme contrast to the Sobradinho Reservoir and the Rio São Francisco provides an endless source of water, which makes the otherwise semi -desert landscape into fertile farmland.

Work will find many citizens are thus in many orchards. From this area, large amounts of tropical fruits (such as pineapple, mango, papaya ) are exported to distant countries, especially to Europe.

Diocese of Petrolina

  • Diocese of Petrolina
  • Place in Pernambuco