Peveril Point

Geographical location

Peveril Point is a headland and forming the easternmost portion of the Isle of Purbeck, a peninsula on the coast of Dorset, on the south coast of England. Peveril Point is part of the city Swanage.

Atop the hill, there is a hut of the coast guards. Peveril Point is also base of the Swanage Lifeboat organization.

The headland contains underground tunnels. These tunnels connect disused gun emplacements defending the entrance from the west to Southampton Waters during the Second World War.

The rocks of Peveril Point are made ​​of slate, and from Portland and Purbeck limestone in a well structure. From Orcombe Point in Exmouth in the west, to the Isle of Purbeck in the east to a coastal strip, which was declared as the first natural landscape in England by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site stretches. Peveril Point is part of the Jurassic Coast, it is one of the natural wonders of the world and is known for its fossils.
