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PEXQ is a collection of algorithms for objective measurement of perceived quality of communication channels and an associated suite of software from the company Opticom GmbH in order to work with it. The algorithms are described in detail

  • Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality ( PEAQ )
  • Perceptual Evaluation of Video Quality ( PEVQ )
  • Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality ( PESQ, developed for telephone lines ) and
  • Perceptual Evaluation of Data - Quality Download ( PEDQ ).

It is in the comparison of the starting material and the product, which is available at the end of the transmission chain, individually assessed various objective criteria and a Mean Opinion Score ( MOS) between 0 ( imperceptible ) and -4 ( very annoying ) for the perceived quality or the noise generated by the investigated method averaged. The test procedures are as automated methods represent a cost-effective alternative to expensive tests based on the subjective judgments of human subjects. Accordingly, they are each based on a model of human perception and is evaluated in comparison with the achievable results with human subjects, the quality of their results. Usually measured in terms of natural signals.

Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality ( PEAQ )

PEAQ is standardized as Recommendation BS.1387 of the International Telecommunication Union ( ITU). It was 10/4 prepared by the established for this purpose in 1994 Working Group ITU -R Task Group, which in 1998 completed its work with a proposal for a standard measurement method. The standard was last updated in 2001.

The method works with a ( psychoacoustic ) model of the human ear with FFT and filter bank-based parts. Parts that represent the outer part of the ear, based on older methods such as PERCEVAL (Perceptual Evaluation), POM (Perceptual Objective Measure) and OASIS ( Objective audio signal evaluation).

The procedure is covered by several patents and for commercial use license fees. There are independent implementations as PQevalAudio and Peaqb that have not been checked by the ITU and may be used free of charge for educational purposes.

Perceptual Evaluation of Video Quality ( PEVQ )

PEVQ based on factors such as signal -to-noise ratio as a function of the choppiness of the image, image brightness and contrast, delay ( the reference signal ) and possibly the synchronicity with an (optional ) audio track. PEVQ was proposed, among other candidates for standardization and after review by the Video Quality Experts Group ( VQEG ) then part of the ITU -T Recommendation J. 247, which is the international standard for measuring perceived video quality.

Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality ( PESQ )

PESQ is standardized as Recommendation P.862 (02 /01 ) of the ITU -T and is a globally applied industry standard dar. It replaces the previous ITU -T standard P.861 (Perceptual Speech Quality Measure, PSQM ) and as such should themselves are replaced by the present in the design stage Perceptual Objective Listening Quality Analysis ( POLQA ).


  • Telecommunications