Pfalz Dr.I

The Pfalz Dr.I was produced from the Pfalz- Flugzeugwerke hunting triplane of the German Army Air Service during the First World War.


The engineering team of the company Palatinate under Chief Engineer Low constructed in parallel with the engineering team of the company Fokker Dr.I the Palatinate in October 1917 after the model of the British Sopwith Triplane based on the double-decker model Pfalz D.VII. On December 12, 1917, the machine of Manfred von Richthofen and Adolf Ritter von Tutschek was test flown at the invitation of Pfalz- Flugzeugwerke in Speyer and then subjected to the comparative flight in Berlin- Adlershof in January / February 1918 at the tested 31 new aircraft by experienced front flyer were.

In December 1917, an alternative three-decker with the weaker but proven Oberursel UR.I motor appeared. However, this version did not come to the front of maturity, since the concept of hunting triplane was now seen as maxed out.


In spite of excellent services, the Pfalz Dr.I Fokker Dr.I was in contrast to no success, mainly due to unreliable engine Siemens & Halske Sh.III. However, there were possibly some of the 10 built triplane April 1918 at the Bavarian squadrons in the front.

Performance comparison with other types of aircraft in March 1918

