Phalanger (compiler)

Phalanger is an object oriented programming language that is based on the PHP scripting language and has been developed for CLR, so for example, Microsoft. NET or Mono.

Unlike PHP standalone applications or function libraries can use Phalanger, as well as with C # or J #, are written, which can be called as EXE files or embedded as DLL files to other assemblies.

In addition to the compiler add- ons exist for the development environment Microsoft Visual Studio and the Microsoft IIS web server. The latter allows you to create dynamic Web pages, such as with PHP on an Apache server.

Programming Example

InitializeComponent ();           }             function InitializeComponent ()           {               $ this -> SuspendLayout ();                 / / Initialize the window               $ this- > Client Size = new Size (292, 266 );               $ this -> name = ' MainForm ';               $ this -> text = ' Hello, Phalanger ';               $ this -> ResumeLayout ( false);               $ this -> Perform layout ();           }       }   }    ? > see also

  • List of. NET languages