
Pharo is an open- source implementation of the Smalltalk programming language.

Pharo Smalltalk is an object-oriented, dynamic, reflexive and dynamically typed programming language, which emerged in 2008 as a fork from the Smalltalk Squeak implementation.


Pharo started in 2008 as a fork of Squeak. The Squeak community attached great importance to recieve compatibility with existing projects upright, most notably to Etoys. A group of Squeak developers wanted regardless of backwards compatibility strongly promote the technical development of Squeak (for example, through the introduction of traits ) and this has done with the fork of Pharo from the Squeak version 3.9.

The development of Pharo is supported by volunteers and employees of the French research institute Inria. In the future, a consortium of companies, research institutions and individuals play a role in the development.

Dissemination / Application

Prominent open source users of Pharo Smalltalk web framework are the Seaside, the interactive geometry software Dr. Geo, the platform for software and data analysis Moose and the content management system pier.

Pharo is used as a language of instruction at universities and as a platform for research projects as well as in commercial desktop and web applications.
