Pharyngeal reflex

The gag reflex is a reflex that prevents a contraction of the posterior pharyngeal space, the intrusion of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract. He thus provides a degree of protection, for example, before choking dar.

The gag reflex is at the touch of the tongue and the soft palate, where mainly the palatine arches, not primarily, as is often assumed, the uvula ( uvula ) triggered. The cranial nerves glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves are primarily responsible for its course.

In the gag reflex is a polysynaptic reflex so-called, that is, that he suppressed by concentration and by excessive release ( so-called habituation ) can even be completely abtrainiert. Bulimiekranke people have for this reason often no gag reflex. The reflex can also be excessively by a sensitization also.

  • Foreign reflex