Phasmid Study Group

The Phasmid Study Group (about: Study group stick insects ) is a company of stick insects interested. Since its inception in 1980 the Working Group have joined more than 500 members from over 30 countries. Among them are both lovers as well as all professional entomologists who deal with the order of the stick insects.

The greatest achievement of the group is to establish a uniform international list, are conducted on the more than 300 held in terrariums stick insects species. Each type or Fundortvarietät is a number ( PSG ) number assigned, which is used by lovers and entomologists in particular the exchange of animals, but also serve to ensure a uniform naming scientifically undescribed species and local varieties. For example, the species was previously known as Carausius spec samarensis described as Lonchodiodes in 2007. PSG 230 respectively. In the " PSG Culture List" and the subfamily, the size, origin, forage crops and links are provided to additional information for each type of the name. The present in each breeding species are included in the PSG list if appropriate copies of the collection of the Natural History Museum in London will be provided.

→ Main article: List of PSG species

In addition to a quarterly newsletter -appearing, the members also receive so-called " Phasmid Studies", which contain longer articles. Twice a year meetings are organized, taking place mostly at the Natural History Museum in London. At these meetings, the insects themselves can be exchanged in addition to information.

