Philip Johnson-Laird

Philip Johnson -Laird ( born October 12, 1936 in Leeds, United Kingdom ) is a British psychologist, professor and author.

He is regarded as one of the leading representatives of the psychology of thinking. Since 1989 he is professor at Princeton University in the United States. He has received honorary doctorates and other awards.


Philip Johnson -Laird left at the age of 15 years, the school and lived for ten years of casual work (such as musicians ) before 1961 at University College London and enrolled to study psychology. In 1967 he acquired, managed by Peter Wason, the doctorate.

He is married and has two children.


Johnson -Laird worked in psychological linguistics about the pragmatics of natural languages ​​and deductive thinking. He developed, beginning with Peter Wason, later together with Ruth Byrne, the theory of mental models.

Writings (selection )

  • ( with Peter Wason ): The Psychology of Reasoning 1972
  • ( with George A. Miller): Language and Perception 1976
  • Mental Models 1983
  • The Computer and the Mind 1988
  • ( with Ruth Byrne ): Deduction 1991
  • Human and Machine Thinking 1993
  • How we Reason 2006