Philosophy of psychology

The philosophy of psychology refers to the philosophical presuppositions of psychology and explores the changing relationship between the two areas. It is used for critical examination of the principles that determine psychological action and influence ..

Like the ( older ) philosophy of mind seeks to uncover motives which complicates analysis of human will, feeling, and acting or making impossible the Philosophy of Psychology.


If the philosophy generally than the reflection of certain self-evident truths considered, starting from the four Kantian questions epistemological, ethical, religious and anthropological approaches play a role.

A declining until René Descartes complex, which touched many philosophical disciplines and is treated just here is the mind-body problem.


The different approaches to philosophy of psychology explained as a reaction to the fact that within psychology certain self-evident truths were problematized, who belonged to the principles of psychological action. Since then, the psychology had become well established and institutionalized, the psychological knowledge formation was repeatedly questioned and so also the subject of philosophical considerations.

Whether psychology can be operated as objectively as explanatory science, or rather as a dialogic -understand and interpret humanities and cultural studies, are questions that have been discussed here.

The leading to a dualism distinction between " physical " phenomena on one side and " spiritual", "mental " on the other side resulted in science soon to an 'ontological dualism ". The relationship between physical and biological sphere and the " spiritual " led over time to different explanatory models. As a solution, experiments are the psychophysical parallelism and epiphenomenalism on one side and variants of materialism - which about behaviorism is one - to call on the other side ..

The conceptual analytical approach within the philosophy of mind, which goes back to about Ludwig Wittgenstein and expose the mind-body problem as a pseudo-problem studied, is also to mention.

Thus Wittgenstein dealt in his critically - diagnostic studies on the philosophy of psychology with the concept of representation. He attacked the model, while introducing it were an internal affairs, in which " perceived " in the inner world of private objects would. In order to understand what ideas are, it is rather necessary to " imagine " the rules of the language game with the word examine. One should not ask what ideas are or what happens when you imagine something, but be like the word "imagination " is used.
