Philoxenus of Mabbug

Mor Philoxenus of Mabbug also Xenajas of Mabbug and Aksenāyâ Mabûḡāyâ (c. 450 in Tahal; ? † December 10 ( ) 523 in Philippopolis in Thrace ) was a great Syrian theologian of themselves as opponents of the two-natures doctrine of the Council Chalcedon profiled.


He studied in Edessa and the Mor Gabriel Monastery in Tur Abdin, where he stayed for a while as a monk. He later became Bishop of Mabbug and worked in Antioch with intrigue at ( 484 and 512), which led to the dismissal of the chalzedonensischen Patriarch Severus of Antioch and setting. He was exiled by Justin I. 519 by Paphlagonia and then to Philippopolis in Thrace, where he died.

Philoxenos prompted a revision of the Syriac New Testament. In the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, he is highly regarded and revered as a saint.
