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Reconstruction drawing of Phorusrhacos

Phorusrhacos is an extinct species of bird that lived in South America in the Miocene. Only species described is Phorusrhacos longissimus.

The species is classified in the family of terror birds ( Phorusrhacidae ), with the today still occurring in South America Seriemas ( Cariamidae ) are united in the taxon Cariamae.

Phorusrhacos probably lived predatory as meat and scavengers.

The bird reached a height of about 2.5 m and was about 300 kg. With its 1.80 meter long legs, he was probably a good runner. In contrast, the wings were regressed. At the feet of the bird had very strong claws. It was also adapted to a predatory lifestyle of the powerful hooked beak.
