Photography in Taiwan

The Taiwanese photography is deeply rooted in the history of Taiwan. The early photograph is divided into two periods: pre- Japanese of approximately 1858 to 1895 and the period of Japanese influences from 1895 to 1945, when the occupation ended by the Japanese in Taiwan. Many works of pre- Japanese period come from dealers and foreign missionaries.

Chang Tsai (张 才), Deng Nan- guang (邓南光) and Lee Ming - diao (李鸣 雕) are collectively known as the "three swordsmen " (three swordsmen ) and some of the most famous Taiwanese photographers who were active from 1930 to 1950. The modern Taiwanese photography is very drawn by the Nationalist government, which took possession of Taiwan in 1945.

Photographers International is one of Taiwan's leading photography magazines. The magazine provides important photographers such as Chang Yung- Chieh (张咏捷), Wu Chung- Wei (吴忠维), Hsieh Chun- Teh, (谢春德), Ho Ching- Tai (何经泰), Ling Chuang (庄 灵), Liu Chen- Shan (刘振祥) and the editor Juan I- Jong (阮义忠) itself in a documentary series entitled " Vision Taiwan " before.

Another well-known, Taiwanese photographer Chien- Chi Chang (张 干 琦) ​​, a member of the Magnum Photos agency.
