PHP License

The PHP License is a published by the PHP Group software license that allows free use and modification of the source code. It is by the Open Source Initiative ( OSI) and the Free Software Foundation (FSF ) is recognized as open source or free software license, but not compatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL ) as they use the word "PHP" limited in derived software products.

The PHP License grants the freedom to modify and reuse the source code, the following conditions must be met:

  • The copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer must be maintained in the source code. In Redistributions in binary form, any other materials that are supplied, or the documentation must contain these texts.
  • The source code can be used under the terms of the current version of the PHP license, or alternatively any later version either. However, only the PHP Group has the right to change these conditions.
  • The derived software may be advertised without prior permission from the PHP Group neither with the name " PHP ", nor may the derived software "PHP" in their names.
  • In the diffusion must always be made ​​clear in the resulting product is that it is based on the software PHP Group.

The last two conditions are comparable to the advertising clause of the original BSD license.

Under the PHP license, the PHP scripting language has been marketed since version 4.0, some packages of PEAR library use this license.
