Pierre-Marie-François Baour-Lormian

Louis -Pierre -Marie- François - Baour Lormian ( born March 24, 1770 in Toulouse, † September 18, 1854 in Paris) was a French poet.

Baour - translated Torquato Tasso's La Gerusalemme Lormian Liberata ( 1575) under the title Jerusalem Delivered (La Jérusalem delivree, Toulouse 1795, 1819 revised). He settled in Paris and went through his satires and epigrams soon a name. In 1801 he published his translation of James Macpherson's Ossian, thou bard troisième siècle: poésies galliques en vers français, a translation in verse, which brought the Ossianismus fashionable.

1807 his tragedy Omasis, ou en Égypte Joseph was listed by Marie -Joseph Chénier's judgment a " frosty work", which only owed ​​its success to the good style and some stirring; on the other hand fell Mahomet II (1811 ) the audience completely.

In 1815 he became a member of the Académie française. There he was as a fighter for the classicism, as in satire Canon d'alarme and in 1829 filed with six other petition for exclusion of romanticism from the Théâtre français.

Mention may be made in addition to smaller poems, epics and ballads

  • Veillées poétiques et morales, suivies the plus beaux question mens d ' Young en vers français ( 1811), in Edward Young's style,
  • The novel Duranti, premier président du parlement de Toulouse, ou la Ligue en province (1828, 4 vols );
  • Légendes Ballades et Fabliaux (1829 ).

The last and best work applies the poetic translation of the Book of Job (Le Livre de Job ), which he completed when he was already blind.
