Pietro Cavallini

Pietro Cavallini (* around 1250 in Rome, † 1330 ) was an Italian painter who was active in Rome and Naples in the late 13th and the early 14th century. He led mosaics in the style of Cosmati and held in his frescoes on the busy by a fresher feeling for nature Byzantine style. In 1308 Cavallini worked in the service of the King of Naples.


In recent times, the Italian restorer Bruno Zanardi has expressed his doubts about the authorship of Giotto for the famous frescoes in the upper church of the Basilica of San Francesco in Assisi. He holds Pietro Cavallini for the creator of Francesco frescoes. Zanardi was almost ten years engaged in the restoration of the frescoes.

Cavallini's frescoes in Santa Cecilia in Trastevere have been restored in 2001 and are now seen in a new context. The tendency of recent research seems to go as meaning that the position of Rome as compared to Florence and other Tuscan cities is becoming increasingly important. In many old churches important frescoes are found under the plaster. The old claim that Rome was at this time, so in 1300, plain province, is increasingly proving to be false.


Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Rome

  • The Last Judgement, 320 x 1400 cm, Fresco

Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome

  • Annunciation, 1291, Mosaic
  • Christ's birth, in 1291, Mosaic
  • Birth of the Virgin, 1291

San Domenico Maggiore, Naples

  • Crucifixion, 1308, Fresco,