Pig Latin

Pig Latin (English, literally: pig Latin) refers to a Game language that is used in the English -speaking world.

It is used especially children, should be hidden on having fun with the language or as a simple secret language, with the information from adults or other children. Conversely, it is occasionally used by adults to discuss sensitive issues without that small children can listen.

Pig Latin is similar to the German game Matt languages ​​English and Kedelkloppersprook.


Starts the word with a consonant, the initial consonant or consonant cluster is moved to the end of the word and an " ay " is appended. To consider here is not the spelling, but the actual pronunciation: " Dumb " consonant letters, such as the "h " in " honor", are not consonant.

  • Loose → oser -lay
  • Button → utton -bay
  • → ar - star stay
  • Three → ee thray
  • Question → estion -quay
  • → happy appy -hay
  • Pig Latin Ig -pay Atin - → lay

Starts the word begins with a vowel or a mute consonants, so a " ay " is appended directly.

  • → eagle eagle -ay
  • America → America -ay
  • → honor honor -ay


The most common variation of Pig Latin is to be used in a word with vowel instead of " ay " a suffix such as " way", "yay " or "hay ". This facilitates the pronunciation of some words ( Sandhi ); compare, for example, " America -ay " and "America -way."

There are also a number of other variants, eg that not only every word, but every syllable is converted ( "cellphone " → " ell - cay one- Phay ," instead of " ellphone - cay " ), or that only parts of the be shifted initial consonant cluster backwards ( eg " street" → " treet -say " or " reet - stay", instead of " eet - stray "). Even the spelling is not uniform. So there are, among other variants, with or without a hyphen ( " Ig -pay Atin -lay ", " Igpay Atinlay " ) and various case- sensitive rules ( " Michael" → " Ichael -may ", " ichael -May ", " Ichael -May ").

Depending on the authority, it may be that the transformation function is not injective, ie, that sometimes a number of English words are mapped to the same word in Pig Latin. If, for example, the "way " rule for words with vowel used, the result is both " itch ", and from "witch " the word " itch -way."


An example in Pig Latin:

Without hyphens:

Translated back into English:
