Pilar (given name)

Pilar is a female first name, which will be awarded in some regions occasionally (but rarely) used as another first name for men, if they are ( October 12 ) was born on the feast day of Pilar; An example of this is the former Mexican football goalkeeper José Pilar Reyes.

Origin and Meaning

The first name Pilar derived from the Spanish and derives from the Madonna del Pilar. This is so to an invocation of Mary. Literally translated pilar "pillar".

Name winners

  • Pilar Bardem ( born 1939 ), Spanish actress
  • Pilar Bellido (born 1969 ), Peruvian badminton player
  • Pilar del Castillo Vera ( born 1952 ), Spanish politician (PP )
  • Pilar Lorengar (1929-1996), Spanish operatic soprano
  • Pilar Velázquez ( born 1946 ), Spanish actress
  • Pilar Homem de Melo ( b. 1963 ), Portuguese singer