Pilosocereus glaucochrous

Pilosocereus glaucochrous is a flowering plant in the genus Pilosocereus from the cactus family ( Cactaceae ). The specific epithet glaucochrous means blue in color, blue frosted '.


Pilosocereus glaucochrous grows tree-like, little branching with a significantly trained trunk and reaches stature heights of 3 to 5 meters. The often ajar, blue-green to gray- green, glauken shoots appear silvery and have diameters of 3-7 centimeters. There are 5 to 10 fins with transverse furrows present. The blackish -felted and occupied with white hair areolae sit on low, rounded cusps. The golden- yellow to gray spines are translucent when young. The ascending 2-5 central spines are 2 to 4 inches long. The 7 to 14 usually outstretched and resting on the surface of the shoots spines are 8 to 15 millimeters long. A blühfähiger part of the shoots is not or only very mild and is located near the shoot tip or slightly below.

The wide-open, tubular, white flowers are on the outside of meat pink to reddish. They are from 4 to 5.2 inches long, and have diameters of up to 2.5 centimeters. The depressed spherical fruits tear on the side and contain a more or less purplish flesh.

Systematics, distribution and threat

Pilosocereus glaucochrous is widespread in northeastern Brazil at higher elevations of the Caatinga vegetation.

The first description was published in 1933 as Pilocereus glaucochrous by Erich Werdermann ( 1892-1959 ). Ronald Stewart Byles and Gordon Douglas Rowley they put 1957 in the genus Pilosocereus. A synonym is Pseudopilocereus glaucochrous ( Werderm. ) Buxb.

Pilosocereus glaucochrous was in the Red List of Threatened Species IUCN in 2002 as " Near Threatened (NT) ", ie Threatened classified. In 2013, the species as "Least Concern ( LC) ," ie, than not led at risk.

