Pin-tailed Whydah

Dominican widow ( Vidua macroura )

The Dominicans widow ( Vidua macroura ) is a species of bird in the family of the widow birds ( Viduidae ). It is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa almost entirely. It is one of the birds that practice brood parasitism. Your host birds are two species of the family of finches, namely the waxbill and Grauastrild. Your young birds in this case have the same pattern on revenge like this. They each lay only one egg in the nest of their host birds. The boy grows up together with the nest of the host bird.

Dominican widows have a body length of 12.5 to 13 inches. In breeding plumage, the males on highly elongated tail feathers so that he has a body length of up to 34 centimeters. The male bird is feathered black and white during the mating season. The female and the male in plumage, however, are similar to a colored sparrow.

IUCN, the Dominicans widow is referred to as "often" and " not endangered" as.

Because of the magnificent Balzkleides Dominican widows are sometimes kept as pet birds. In order to breed successfully, an aviary with several pairs of the host birds is necessary.
