Pincian Hill

The Pincio (including Monte Pincio; Latin Mons Pincius ) is a hill in the northern suburbs of Rome. He is not one of the seven hills of Rome and belonged to 7 Augustan region.

The hill was originally outside the ancient city. In the late Republic there large villas and gardens were created. The scale of Lucullus Horti Luculliani in which Messalina, wife of Claudius, was killed, as were later imperial property about how the northwest that are located Horti Pompeiani and the Horti Sallustiani of the historian Sallust just south of the Pincio. The hill was called because of these investments, which included the Horti Aciliorum the Acilii Glabriones, collis Hortulorum ( "Garden Hill ") were included in the imperial period in the urban area ( in the expansion of pomerium by Claudius ) and densely built. On the hill stood the tomb of Domitii in which the ashes of Nero was buried. After the Pincio is named Porta Pinciana the Aurelian Wall.

The current name of the hill may be traced back to the family of Pincii that there is a large estate owned in Late Antiquity ( domus Pinciana ), which later became imperial property.

To the east of the Piazza del Popolo stairs lead to the Pincio park. The path is bordered by a small artificial waterfall. A little further south leads the Spanish Steps by architect Francesco De Sanctis on the Pinciohügel. Directly adjacent is the Villa Borghese park.

Of Antinous - Obelisk is located on Viale dell'Obelisco with a height of 9.25 meters.
