
Under the name pineapple strawberry (English Pineberry ) are marketed different kinds of garden strawberry. In contrast to the usual strawberries they are not red, but whitish with red nutlets and tastes slightly of pineapple. The fruits are significantly smaller than conventional strawberry varieties with a diameter of 15-23 mm. White strawberry varieties are known since the 18th century, however, are not grown on a larger scale.

Origin and Breeding

Around 1750 came the species Fragaria virginiana - it comes from North America - and Fragaria chiloensis planted with South American origin in France together; The garden strawberry was created as a hybrid of the two parental species. The Dutch breeder Hans de Jongh began in 2003 with some plants from France breeding, after six years, he received marketable plants. The company Vital Berry BV makes the strawberries from Beekers Berries produce and marketed under the name pineberries.

The seeds can be sown from January to March. The berries are green at first, then stain off-white and are ripe when the nutlets become red in color.

Service in the UK

2010 offered the British department store chain Waitrose under the brand name Fruitilla Chilena first pineapple strawberries. Due to the release date of the message - it was 31 March 2010 - as well as of previous search engine optimization attempts one of them independent Internet company with the term " Pineberry " sections of the population initially came from a April Fool's joke. These assumptions were also fueled by the fact that Waitrose had announced a fruit " Pinana ", a blend of pineapple ( pineapple ) and banana ( banana ) in March 2009, which later turned out to be April Fool's joke. On the occasion of the re- start of sales in 2011, the company entered into an April Fool's joke from again.

Pictures of Pineberry
