Pingquan County

Circle Pingquan (平泉 县) is a county of the prefecture-level city of Chengde (formerly Jehol, deer热河) in Hebei Province. It is situated northeast of Beijing. Pingquan has an area of ​​3297 km ² and has 470,000 inhabitants. Its main town is the large village Pingquan (平 泉镇).

The site of the city of Huizhou (Huizhou cheng会 州城) is on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China (6-15 ) since 2006.

41.0025118.68416666667Koordinaten: 41 ° 0 ' N, 118 ° 41 ' E

Chengde - Fengning - Kuancheng - Longhua - Luanping - Pingquan - Shuangluan - Shuangqiaoshan - Weichang - Xinglong - Yingshouyingzi Kuang

  • Place in Hebei
  • County / banner ( China)