
Pizzoccheri ( della Valtellina or di Poschiavo ) are a Teigwarenart from buckwheat and wheat flour, the Lombard Valtellina ( Valtellina ) and Graubünden in neighboring Poschiavo (Poschiavo ) and on Lake Como is located. Pizzoccheri are typically mixed with cabbage and potatoes and cheese served.


To prepare a firm dough made from buckwheat flour, a little flour, and water is prepared. He is not too thin rolled out and cut into finger- wide strips. These noodles are precooked in salt water. Cabbage and potatoes are also cooked in salt water, then added the Pizzoccheri and everything cooked to an end. The decanted pasta and vegetable mixture is layered with melted, mixed with sage and garlic flavored butter and cheese with thin slices ( Valtellina casera dopo etc.) and grated parmesan or mixed. In variants, other vegetables like beans, spinach or chard can be used or added.

A related court, the Swiss Pizokel, a kind of noodles made ​​from buckwheat or potatoes, which are often prepared similarly.


  • The silver spoon. Phaidon Verlag, Berlin 2006, ISBN 0-7148-9665-9
  • Accademia della Cucina Italiana (ed.): The Big Book of Italian cuisine. Delphin Verlag, Munich, 1987. ISBN 3-7735-5317- X