place theory (hearing)

Topik is a comprehensive model, which is valid both in psychology and in the classical natural sciences and in the humanities. In this sense, both of

  • Topical diagnosis in neurology and topographical anatomy

As well as

  • Metaphorical psychological Topik

Spoken. This commonality is, inter alia, also due to the success of psychophysics in the 19th century, the legal relationships among others had in the perception physiology to object → experimental psychology.

Anatomical Topik

The close relationship between psychic phenomena and neuroanatomy founded the still ongoing era of the close relationship of neurology and medical psychology / psychiatry. Many now explored neuropsychological syndromes thank for the success of this scientific and anatomical way of looking. The topographic aspect has in the anatomy emerged as an essential aspect of a functional anatomy alongside descriptive and systematic anatomy. With functional anatomy of the structural anatomical knowledge are meant, which are necessary for the understanding of body functions and thus the physiology (→ structural functionalism ).

The borrowed from sociology concept of structural functionalism is true so far to the anatomy, as it is in the case of Topik just is not a purely anatomical, but a multidisciplinary concept in the first place. The company also comprehensive model of "living together of organisms in a spatially defined area " can also be applied to biological organisms, which can be described as a system of interacting organs and cell units, like it does the anatomy.

Topistische brain research endeavors since the early 20th century to describe regions within the macro-and microscopic blueprint of the brain and to circumscribe that are equipped with quality special functions according to the principle of self-organization. The description of such special functions is supported by structural features cyto -, myelo -, angio -, fibrillo and glioarchitektonischer Art

Sociological models topical

This is especially the field theory of Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) mentioned. According to this theory the individual behavior emerges ( vector forces ) of an array of psychologically relevant forces.

Mental Topik


The psychological term Topik was considered by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) as one of three ways of looking at his metapsychology. Topik in the psycho- physiological sense, the " localization " of mental processes belongs, thus in addition to the psychodynamics and the economy of the psychic process of the essential components of metapsychology. Used in this basic assumption Freud both the concept of anatomical Topik and the mental Topik. This latter term should be used regardless of the implicit demand for anatomical Topik all psychic phenomena.

The psychoanalytic concept Topik refers to a concept of the organization of presentation content, so-called representative offices within the human psyche.

According to this concept ideas are not separated by time or physiological limits, but by associative barriers, in particular " censorship mechanisms " and repressions. Through these mechanisms, the contents of consciousness are deported or removed in the unconscious, where they are not the consciousness from the outset been inaccessible (see psychophysical level ).

Freud developed two different topical models of the psyche: the first model of the instances of conscious / unconscious / preconscious, and later the influential structural model of the psyche of the instances it / I / superego. Followers of Freud modified this model or replace it with your own models, especially in the context of self psychology and object relations theory.

Gestalt psychology

The term Topik but was used by other psychological directions and schools, such as of Gestalt psychology. Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) spoke of topological psychology.

Other Uses

In the psychology of motivation is the talk of motivation rooms. Thure von Uexküll has also introduced the model of the integration space in the terminology of Psychosomatic Medicine. In order to be understood across models in which " represent Physical and Mental interlocking links of a continuous order" ( see, eg, also psychosocial dimension).


Topik is also the subject of the humanities. For example, if thinking itself as within the structures of the central nervous system must be assumed localized, yet the object of thought of such local definition is completely free. Hannah Arendt writes:


Critique of Freud's model presentation on the issue of Topik Harald Schultz -Henke has practiced. He described the topical aspect of psychoanalysis as a spatial metaphor. Behind this, the question hiding after the date of emergence of mental properties ( psychogenesis ). Consider, for illustrative purposes, for example, the system is only unconscious as a "quasi spatial". The development of this earliest stage of consciousness of the system Ucs will metaphorically referred to as the " deepest " layer. The Recent 'll be the "top" layer. Because the temporal Former still possess current effectiveness, it will also be treated as existent. Accordingly, the adoption of a doctrine of layers in the psychoanalytic literature is indeed common, but they led by Schultz -Henke to neglect the psychological thinking in time as psycho- genetic thinking.
