Plain Old Documentation

Plain Old Documentation (POD) is a simplified markup language, which was introduced in 1994 by Larry Wall Perl 5 to insert documentation in the source code of Perl programs.

Properties of POD

POD is a simple language in several respects:

  • Easy to write ( for the author )
  • An easily readable source code
  • Easy to parse
  • Easy to accommodate in source code


POD is the most used language in order to document Perl programs and modules, Perl, myself included, and is also standard for the documentation of the modules in CPAN.

Example document

The following snippet contains some typical POD language elements.

= pod = head1 TITLE podsample - A sample POD document = head1 SUMMARY      $ here- > isa ( Piece :: Of :: Code );      print << " END";      This block is not retracted after formatting instructions      searched and preserved spaces.      END = head1 DESCRIPTION This is normal text, there follow B , I , S , C < $ code > ( formatted source code) E , F L, X . Z without Breite> = head2 A list = over 4 = item * with eye-catching points. = item * one point. = back = begin html < img src = " fig1.png " align = "right " alt = "Figure 1 " / >

     Here's something eingefüger HTML code. This block can      Images include, and everything else you so with      Can do HTML. POD parser will issue the no HTML      completely ignore this. = end html = head1 SEE ALSO L, L , L . = head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2005 J. Random Hacker . Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front -Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. = cut Tools

The following tools to process POD:
