Planum Boreum

Planum Boreum (Latin: " the northern plain " ) is the area around the North Pole of Mars ( approximately north of 80 ° N ), surrounded by Vastitas Borealis. The counterpart at the South Pole is Planum Australe.


Planum Boreum is determined by the up to 2 km thick ice layers, which consist mainly of ice and some dust ( from fine to coarse grained). The ice masses during the year bigger and smaller. Striking are the caused by katabatic winds spiral cuts the ice sheet, including the 460- km long, up to 100 km wide and 2 km deep trench Chasma Boreale (82 ° 32 ' N, 47 ° 38' WMars82.54 - 47.64 ).

The ice is made of water and the seasonal coming and disappearing added dry ice (solid carbon dioxide ( CO2) ).
