Plateau-Central Region

Central plateau is one of 13 regions in the West African nation of Burkina Faso is divided administratively. Capital is Ziniare. The centrally located region includes the provinces of Ganzourgou, Kourwéogo and Oubritenga. At 8545 km ² area live 647 516 inhabitants ( January 2006). Governor of jobs created in 2001 region is Ruth Yaméogo. The region is located north of the capital Ouagadougou and includes the central plateau mainly inhabited by Mossi.

In Plateau Central are the four fôrets classées Gonse, Nakambé, Bissga and Wayen. The majority of the population is Muslim and lives off the land. Of tourist interest are Sculpture Park Laongo, Sculptures de Laongo, and the Musée de Manega.

Boucle du Mouhoun | Cascades | Centre | Centre- Est | Centre- Nord | Centre- Ouest | Centre- Sud | Est | Hauts- basins | North | Central Plateau | Sahel | Sud -Ouest

  • Region ( Burkina Faso)
  • Plateau Central