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Playtech Ltd.. is a software developer for gaming, online casinos, land based casinos, online poker rooms, online bingo games, online sports betting, scratchcard games, mobile gaming, and "fixed- odds" online arcade games. The registered on the British Virgin Islands company is headquartered in the Isle of Man and is mainly active in Isle of Man, Estonia, Bulgaria, the Philippines and Israel.

Playtech gaming software and casinos

Playtech's gaming software may benefit from lay claim to have received a certificate of BMM, a International recognized testing laboratory in the gaming and gambling sector. BMM is the recognized test for leading betting regulators, software developers and gambling operators in the U.S., Europe and Asia. Leading companies use the software from Playtech. Thus, among others., Betfred, Centrebet, Totesport, Sega Casino, Bet365, Celeb Poker, VCPoker, Titan Poker, Mansion Poker powered by Playtech software but also other big brands like Casino Casino Plex, Poker Plex, Casino Tropez, Europa Casino, City Club Casino, Jet Casino, Prestige Casino, Crown Europe Casino Winner and only use software from Playtech.

Playtech Bingo

Bingo sites are also powered by Playtech software. Most of these sites are network members in BingoLand network, similar to a network of online poker. All participating on the network sites offer common jackpot games, bingo games, chat, and backend, but are differentiated in a network list given. Each is listed on the network bingo game site provides for the differentiation of other network participants in slightly different graphics and Webseitdesign.

Playtech Poker

Playtech software is not only one of the leading online casino and bingo game software provider, also online poker network is supported by Playtech software. iPoker is called the Playtech poker network and also to participating poker rooms share the same software and the same backend, but differ by individual design and appearance. Under the leadership of Titan Poker, the iPoker Network has been known worldwide and often alternates with PartyGaming 's PartyPoker network because the place as third largest poker network in the world from. The level of awareness was also obtained as the US-based poker players to play on the iPoker Network was no longer allowed. Playtech gaming software developed for Sega 's online poker site, SEGA Poker, published in the fourth quarter of 2009, and developed software for the Manchester United game poker website. Between the British company Betfrigid and Manchester United, an agreement was signed to develop a common " Man Utd " Gaming page. This deal will last at least three years.

Playtech Sports

In November 2010, added Playtech Betting to its online gaming repertoire added and presented at the same time a new sports betting software to place sports betting in real time on internally sporting events. The first web page that is used this new Sportsbook Software Titan Bet.

Sportech, the Playtech sports division was beginning in June 2013 and sold fully achieved a net profit of 7.65 million pounds. From the official side explained it briefly, that you do not want to continue to work on so poorly regulated industries, as Playtech was eventually operate globally.


Playtech was founded by Teddy Sagi, 1999. Since 2006, the shares on the London Stock Exchange. Is the main shareholder with a share of 41 % continues to Teddy Sagi. The company employs over 800 people in various countries.
