Plot (graphics)

A function plotter is a computer program that calculates graphs of mathematical functions and features. The term plotter draws on output devices that were used solely to rendering of vectors.

As an input a function plotter requires a functional rule in computer conventional notation, that is, for example, x 2 or x ** ^ 2, when the function to be displayed. Some plotters can also represent parametrically given curves. As a rule, the user can specify the issued definition and range of values ​​and often change interactively. Further settings affect the layout of the coordinate system (background, line grid, axial passage ), axis label, title, representation of the graph as solid, dotted, dashed curve, and more.

Significant quality differences show up as to whether the function plotter automatically divides the axis into meaningful intervals (typically of 1, 2 or 5 steps) and how singularities (for example, poles of a function such as, limiting the range of values ​​of at or oscillations of ) the displayed function to be processed.

A function plotter is part of the usual functions of computer algebra systems (CAS) and of template programming environments such as MATLAB, Scilab, GNU Octave. As an alternative to function plotter as a computer program graphic-capable calculators come (GTR ) and calculators with computer algebra system (CAS -TR) in question.

Graphics libraries provide the components of a Funktionenplotters as subroutines available so that they can be integrated into any application programs. Although graphics libraries and function plotter should ideally provide the same display options and would have to differ ( for a library, GUI or command line for a standalone function plotter API) only in the user interface, historically programs have asserted themselves, which are only library or function plotter.

Examples of web-based function plotter

  •, plotting implicit and explicit equations can differentiate, integrate, and solve mathematical equations based on Canvas, JavaScript, and CSS
  • Wolfram Alpha very many mathematical functions, offers functionality of Mathematica
  • MAFA easy to use, fully implemented on the server side, requires no JavaScript
  • Arndt Brno easy to use plotter, requires Java RE

Examples of native function plotter

  • EpsTk - Open Source (GPL ), graphic functions for Matlab or Octave
  • Gnuplot - open source, powerful program, command line oriented operation, requires certain training
  • Curve pro, 2D plotter, and free for non-commercial use, easy operation, also draws circles and dots and is thus very well suited for the coordinate geometry
  • LabPlot - Open Source (GPL ), easy operation and extensive
  • Xmgrace - Open Source (GPL ), primarily for GNU / Linux
  • QtiPlot - Open Source (GPL ) - based on table in column logic (like Originlab ) ( fork of QtiPlot: scidavis )
  • Origin - proprietary, Windows
  • DISLIN - proprietary, free for non-commercial purposes - graphics library with simple control, for C, Fortran, Java, Python, Perl on all major operating systems
  • MatheGrafix - interactive works as well as prints, presentation and integration of function graph in Office documents ( freeware version with limited capabilities )
  • - (GPL and LGPL) software package with C connectivity, for plotting and analyzing

Examples of computer graphics -based function plotter

  • All graphics-capable calculator, such as TI -84 Plus
  • All computer algebra pocket computer, such as Voyage 200

Examples of function plotter with additional mathematical functions

  • GeoGebra - Freeware - function plotter and dynamic geometry program in a
  • TI -Nspire CAS - function plotter with dynamic geometry, computer algebra and spreadsheet
  • Mathematical Software