Ploy (board game)

Ploy (or empire ) is the name of a board game for two or four parties. By additionally possible rotations of the tiles is more possible combinations and possible moves as in chess arise.


Ploy was developed by Frank Thibault (selection list for Game of the Year 1989 Regatta ). Under this name the game series was published in 1970 Games' at 3M in the ' Bookshelf. 1982 was also published by Schmidt Spiele under the name Empire - here by mistake was " Sid Saxon " as the author.

Game rules


The game is played on a nine by nine squares large game board, best drawn between the individual fields with horizontal, vertical and diagonal connections.

Game pieces

Ploy has four categories of pieces: Commander, Cruiser, slider and probes. Each token is circular and has one or more tabs that represent the possible with the particular stone train or show pitch directions (of a possible four to eight ).

The following table shows the different types of tiles:

All of a player's stones are the same color ( in the original game, red, green, yellow and blue ).

If a player is on the train, he may with one of his stones either

  • A motion train or
  • A Richtungszug


In a motion train a stone from its current position is drawn to another in the direction of his nose. The target position can thereby be at most as far away as indicating the maximum train wide of the stone. A stone may not move onto or over stones of his own party, but he may move to opposing pieces and beat it.

In a Richtungszug a stone is rotated in place by integer multiples of 45 ° ( the German Game Guide allows only rotations by ± 45 °).

A probe must connect directly or after a Richtungszug of a movement.

Retirement of a player

A player is eliminated when the he lost his Commander or all of his checkers out of the Commander.

Game variations

Ploy can be played by two or four players in one of the following options:

  • Two-player game,
  • Team game or
  • Foursome.

In the two player game, each of two players gets 15 stones ( see Figure 1). Green starts and the players take turns.

The foursome each of the four player gets 9 blocks ( see Figure 2). Green starts and the players move clockwise. If it is beaten in the foursome of Commander of a player, he is coming off and the hitter takes over its stones. He can then use it in his face as his own stones.

In team play each of the four player gets 9 blocks ( see Figure 3). Green and yellow and red and blue each form a team. Green begins followed by red, yellow and blue, etc. If a player is eliminated in the team game, whose team partner takes his stones. The team partner also takes the train right of his partner and may use a train at all of the tokens of his team.


The game ends

  • If a player in a two player game retires,
  • If three players are eliminated in the foursome, and
  • If both players on a team eliminated in the team game.

Ploy programs

Two Ploy programs are available: one that supports human players in the game, and another in which beyond even the computer itself can run trains.
