
51.82555555555611.84361111111167Koordinaten: 51 ° 49 '32 "N, 11 ° 50' 37" E

Location of Pobzig in Nienburg (Saale )

Pobzig is a district of the city Nienburg ( Saale) in a salt land district, in Saxony -Anhalt, Germany.


Pobzig is located about 8 km northeast of the county town Bernburg (Saale ) near Magdeburg.

Place outline

The community of Pobzig include the districts Pobzig, Borgesdorf and Grams village.


Grams village, part of Pobzig was 1618/19 affected by witch hunts. Christine, wife of Martin Zisings, an old woman who was caught in a witch trial. She died as a result of torture.

Due to a change in the contract area, the municipal council of the municipality Pobzig decided on 4 February 2009 that the church Pobzig in the city Nienburg ( Saale) is incorporated. This agreement was approved by the county as a lower municipal supervisory authority and entered into force on 1 January 2010.

After incorporation of the previously independent community Pobzig Pobzig, Borgesdorf Grams and village districts of the city Nienburg ( Saale) are. For powered finished my community the village constitution according to § § 86 et seq of the Municipal Code of Saxony- Anhalt is introduced. The municipality is my finished Pobzig and future districts Pobzig, Borgesdorf and Grams village are the village of receiving city Nienburg ( Saale). In the eingemeindeten community and nunmehrigen village Pobzig a Ortschaftsrat is formed with seven members including a mayor.

Transport links

About 3 km south of Pobzig the highway 185 runs ( Bernburg (Saale ) Köthen (Anhalt) ). The next junction Bernburg on the motorway A14 ( Halle ( Saale ) Magdeburg ) is located about 15 km west of the village.


Altenburg | Borgesdorf | Gerbitz | Grams Village | Grimschleben | Jesar | Latdorf | Neugattersleben | Pobzig | Wedlitz | Wispitz

  • Place in Salzlandkreis
  • Nienburg ( Saale)
  • Former municipality ( Salzlandkreis )